10/2017 | Invited talk at the Institute of Sociology at the University in Zurich, Switzerland I will talk about migration and welfare states. |
12/2017 | Conference: Special Issue Conference of the KZsSS in Cologne, Germany I will present my contribution for a special issue on the analysis of comparative survey data. |
02/2010 | Workshop: SOCLIFE PhD-workshop in Cologne, Germany Presentation of research proposal for PhD-study. |
06/2010 | Workshop: Advanced Multi-level Analysis in Berlin, Germany Hierarchical and non hierarchical multilevel modelling, multilevel structural equation models. Lecturer: Prof. Andrew Pickles. |
07/2010 | Summer School: Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis in Colchester, United Kingdom Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis. Lecturer: Prof. Peter Schmidt |
08/2010 | Conference/Summer School: Joint NordWel Re-Assess International Summer School in Odense, Denmark Presentation of first PhD paper "The Experience of Social Mobility and the Formation of Attitudes towards Redistribution". Discussant: Prof. Joakim Palme. |
11/2010 | Seminar: Social mobility Seminar in Bruxelles, Belgium "Social Mobility in Europe" - Seminar of the Social Situation Observatory. |
01/2011 | Seminar: Research Seminar of the Research Training Group SOCLIFE in Cologne, Germany Presentation of first thesis paper. Discussant: Prof. Mads Meier Jaeger. |
03/2011 |
Workshop: Gesis Spring Seminar in Cologne, Germany Categorical latent variable models and extended latent class analyses. Lecturers: Prof. Jacques Hagenaars, Dr. Ruud Luijkx. |
07/2011 | Conference: Fourth Conference of the European Survey Research Association in Lousanne, Switzerland Presentation of different multi-level analyses in the panel "Macro-Mechanisms and Macro-Hypotheses II". |
09/2011 | Conference: HumVIB (Cross-national and multi-level analysis of human values, institutions and behaviour) in Berlin
, Germany Presentation of a multilevel analysis of preferences for redistribution. |
09/2011 | Workshop: 1st SOCLIFE Workshop on the Analysis of
"Time in Context and Time as Context" in Cologne, Germany With André Schaffrin, Jenny Bennet and Annelene Wengler, I held the chair of this workshop on the combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal methods. Lecturers: Prof. Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Prof. Henning Lohmann. |
09/2011 | Workshop: Event History Analysis in Stata Workshop on the use of parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric methods for the analysis of event history data. Lecturer: Prof. Johannes Giesecke. |
02/2012 | SOCLIFE Winter Workshop 2012 in Cologne, Germany Presentation of empirical results of my onging research. Discussant: Prof. Manfred te Grotenhuis. |
06/2012 | German Stata Users Group Meeting in Berlin, Germany Presentation of the mlt-package that Katja Möhring and I wrote for Stata. |
08/2012 | Conference: 2012 RC19 Annual Conference in Oslo, Norway Presentation of the paper "Anti-immigrant attitudes and welfare support in the European context". The paper is written in collaboration with Dennis Spies. |
08-09/2012 | Visiting researcher at the Umeå University, Sweden Stay as a visiting reseacher at the Sociology Department. |
09-10/2012 | Visiting researcher at the Tilburg University, Netherlands Stay as a visiting reseacher at the Sociology Department. Host: Prof. Wim van Oorschot. |
03/2013 | Workshop: Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling in Cologne, Germany SOCLIFE Spring Workshop. Lecturer: Prof. Elmar Schlueter. |
03/2013 | Conference: 9th International Multilevel Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands Together with Katja Möhring, I will present the mlt-package and talk about influential cases and fixed effects as an alternative to random effects models. |
03/2013 | Conference: 9th International Multilevel Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands Presentation of a paper on inequality and redistribution that makes use of a multilevel-hybrid approach for pooled cross-section data. The paper won the "Best PhD-Paper Award". |
04/2013 | Disputation at the University of Cologne, Germany. Defending my PhD-Thesis. Chairman: Prof. Hans-Jürgen Andress, 1st Referee: Prof. Heiner Meulemann, 2nd Referee: Prof. Detlef Fetchenhauer. |
06/2013 | Dies Academicus: University of Cologne, Germany Presentation: Die doppelte Moral. Ein Online-Experiment zur Sexismusdebatte. |
07/2013 | Conference: ESRA Conference 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenien. Paper presentation: Economic Inequality and Public Demand for Redistribution. Combining Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Evidence. |
07/2013 | Conference: ESRA Conference 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenien. Presentation on Influential Cases in Multilevel Modeling. Together with Katja Möhring. |
02/2014 | Winter school: EDAC/ESPAnet winter school in Leuven, Belgium Presentation of paper on immigration and welfare support in Switzerland. |
03/2014 | Invited Lecture: SOCLIFE Spring Workshop in Cologne, Germany Lecture on complex regression models to doctorial students from SOCLIFE and BIGSSS. |
03/2014 | Invited Talk at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom I will give a presentation on "Migration and Natives' Welfare Support". |
03/2014 | Visiting Researcher at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom Working on a joint project with Malcolm Fairbrother. |
06/2014 | Conference: BIGSSS International Conference on "Social Stratification and Social Policy" in Bremen, Germany Chaired a session on "Methods for Linking Stratification and Social Policy". |
06/2014 | Invited Talk at the Chair of Behavioral Economics - University of Cologne, Germany I gave a lecture on "Using Mixed Models for the Analysis of Experimental Panel Data". |
06/2014 | Lectureship at the Cologne Graduate School, Germany Taught a PhD-level course on "Panel Data Analysis in Stata". |
07/2014 | Conference: VI European Congress of Methodology in Utrecht, Netherlands With Malcolm Fairbrother I organized the session "Multilevel Models and Comparative Longitudinal Survey Data: Advances, Prospects, and Challenges". |
07/2014 | Conference: VI European Congress of Methodology in Utrecht, Netherlands Paper presentation: "A Review and Critique of Recent Practice in Multilevel Modeling with Comparative Longitudinal Survey Data". |
07/2014 | Conference: VI European Congress of Methodology in Utrecht, Netherlands I presented my paper "Public Opinion and Social Policy: Feedback, Representation or Reciprocal Causality?" in the session "Public Opinion Research Methods". |
09/2014 | Conference: ESPAnet 12th Annual Conference in Oslo, Norway Paper presentation (together with Dennis Spies): "Migration and Natives' Support for Welfare - Evidence from Germany". |
09/2014 | Invited Talk at the Institute of Medical Sociology at the University of Cologne, Germany I gave a talk on designing and analyzing panel studies. |
09/2014 | Conference: 1st Conference on Robustness Tests and the Empirical Analysis of Observational Data in the Social Sciences
in Cologne, Germany Paper presentation (together with Katja Möhring): "Multilevel Tools: A Stata-ado for Robustness Checks with Multilevel Models". |
10/2014 | Conference: Modes, Measurement, Modelling: Achieving Equivalence in Quantitative Research in Mannheim, Germany Together with Malcolm Fairbrother, I chaired a session on "Multilevel Models for Comparative Longitudinal Survey Data". |
04/2015 | Conference: 10th International Multilevel Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands As last year's winner, I will be a member of the Young-Researcher-Award-jury (together with Joop Hox and Tom Snijders). I will also present a paper on the specification of random effects. |
06/2015 | Conference: Stata Users Group Meeting 2015 in Nuremberg, Germany Together with Hans-Jürgen Andress and Maximilian Hörl, we presented a new stata ado (catsem) for the analysis of categorical data, including latent class analysis. |
07/2015 | Conference: ESRA Conference 2015 in Reykjavik, Iceland Together with Bart Meuleman, I chaired a session on "Multilevel Models for the Analysis of Comparative (Longitudinal) Survey Data". I also gave a talk on random effects in multilevel models. |
07/2015 | Conference: ESRA Conference 2015 in Reykjavik, Iceland Together with Romana Careja, I presented a paper on migrants' attitudes towards welfare. |
08/2015 | Workshop: Structural Equation Modeling in Düsseldorf, Germany I gave a workshop on structural equation modeling for PhD-students at the University of Düsseldorf. |
02/2016 | Workshop: GESIS Spring Seminar 2016 in Cologne, Germany Together with Hans-Jürgen Andress, I taught a course on panel data analysis. |
03/2016 | Visiting researcher at the DIW in Berlin, Germany Worked on a joint project with Marco Giesselmann. |
04/2016 | Conference: Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Methodensektion in Duisburg, Germany I gave a talk on estimating context effects using pooled cross-sectional data. |
06/2016 | Conference: Stata Users Group Meeting 2016 in Cologne, Germany Together with Johannes Giesecke, Ulrich Kohler and the GESIS, I hosted the German Stata Users Group Meeting 2016. |
06/2016 | Invited Talk at the GESIS Colloquium in Mannheim, Germany. I gave a talk on the impact of immigration on public support for welfare (watch video here). |
10/2016 | ALLBUS User Conference in Cologne, Germany. Together with Dennis Spies, I received the ALLBUS Price 2016. |
11/2016 | Invited Talk at Intitute of Sociology at the University of Konstanz, Germany I gave a talk on a factorial survey experiment on group threats. |
06/2017 | Invited Talk at the Intitute of Sociology at the University of Munich, Germany I gave a talk on a modeling factorial survey data with multiple ratings. |
09/2017 | Conference: "Lebensbedingungen in Deutschland im Längsschnitt" Together with Henning Lohmann, Marco Giesselmann and Katrin Golsch, I organized this symposium to honor Hans-Jürgen Andreß, who turned 65 that week. |
© 2013 | Alexander Schmidt-Catran | All rights reserved | Imprint