Prof. Dr. Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran


03/05/2016 I am honored to receive the Hans-Kelsen-Price from the University of Cologne (video).

03/05/2016 Paper "Immigration and Welfare Support in Germany" (with Dennis Spies) published in American Sociological Review (online first).

03/03/2016 The Swiss magazine DeFacto has published a short article about our paper on the "Case of Switzerland".

03/02/2016 Paper "Wer ist in Deutschland willkommen? Eine Vignettenanalyse zur Akzeptanz von Einwanderern" (together with Christian Czymara) accepted for publication in Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

11/03/2015 Paper "Institutions, culture and migrants' preference for state-provided welfare. Longitudinal evidence from Germany" (together with Romana Careja) accepted for publication in Journal of European Social Policy. Download the manuscript here!

10/20/2015 Paper (with Dennis Spies) published (online first) in Journal of European Social Policy.

09/17/2015 Paper "The Random Effects in Multilevel Models: Getting them Wrong and Getting Them Right" (together with Malcolm Fairbrother) published (online first) in European Sociological Review.

08/20/2015 Paper (with Manfred te Grotenhuis et al.) on age-period-cohort effects accepted for publication in Demography.

08/20/2015 Paper (together with Manfred te Grotenhuis et al.) conditonally accepted for publication by International Journal of Public Health.

08/13/2015 New Paper submitted to the Policy Studies Journal.

08/05/2015 Have been invited to give a talk on migration and welfare at the GESIS Colloquium next summer.

07/17/2015 Became a reviewer for Survey Research Methods.

07/14/2015 New paper (together with Manfred te Grotenhuis et al.) submitted to the International Journal of Public Health.

05/07/2015 Paper "Immigration and Welfare Support in Germany" (together with Dennis Spies) accepted for publication in American Sociological Review.

05/06/2015 Together with Hans-Jürgen Andress, I will teach a course on panel data analysis at the next GESIS spring seminar.

05/04/2015 Paper "The Random Effects in Multilevel Models: Getting them Wrong and Getting Them Right" (together with Malcolm Fairbrother) accepted for publication in European Sociological Review.

04/24/2015 Revise & Resubmit from Journal of European Social Policy.

04/06/2015 Became a reviewer for European Societies.

04/07/2015 Conditional acceptance from American Sociological Review.

04/06/2015 Became a reviewer for Social Indicators Research.

03/17/2015 Conditional acceptance from European Sociological Review.

03/03/2015 Together with Hans-Jürgen Andress and Maximilain Hörl, I will present a new stata ado "catsem" for categorical data analysis (including latent class analysis) at the Stata Users Group Meeting 2015 in Nuremberg, Germany.

02/26/2015 New paper (together with Romana Careja) submitted to Journal of European Social Policy.

02/12/2015 Paper on migrants' welfare attitudes (together with Romana Careja) accepted for presentation at the ESRA Conference 2015 in Reykjavik, Iceland.

12/31/2014 Paper on the Non-uniqueness Property of the Intrinsic Estimator published in Demography.

12/29/2014 Application for 10th International Multilevel Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands, accepted. I will present a paper on random effects structures in multilevel models for comparative longitudinal survey data.

12/08/2014 Paper "Migration, Migrant Integration and Support for Social Spending: The Case of Switzerland." accepted for publication in Journal of European Social Policy.

11/07/2014 We got a Revise & Resubmit from the American Sociological Review.

10/29/2014 We got a Revise & Resubmit from the European Sociological Review.

10/27/2014 As last year's winner, I have been invited to become a jury member for the Young Researcher Award at the International Multilevel Conference 2015 (together with Joop Hox and Tom Snijders).

10/17/2014 Together with Bart Meuleman, I will chair a session on "Multilevel Models for the Analysis of Comparative (Longitudinal) Survey Data" at the ESRA Conference 2015 in Reykjavik, Iceland.

10/07/2014 Paper "Economic Inequality and Public Demand for Redistribution: Combining Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Evidence" published in Socio-economic Review (online first).

09/11/2014 I won a publication prize for outstanding publications of PhD-students. The prize is awarded by the University of Cologne.

09/08/2014 Paper "The Non-uniqueness Property of the Intrinsic Estimator in APC Models" accepted for publication in Demography.

08/25/2014 Paper "Economic Inequality and Public Demand for Redistribution. Combining Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Evidence" accepted for publication in Socio-economic Review.

08/10/2014 Revise & Resubmit from the Journal of European Social Policy.

07/07/2014 Paper (together with Katja Möhring) accepted for presentation at the 1st Conference on Robustness Tests, in Cologne, Germany.

06/18/2014 Session proposal for the Modes, Measurement, Modelling: Achieving Equivalence in Quantitative Research Conference, in Mannheim, Germany, accepted.

06/07/2014 Conditional acceptance from Socio-economic Review.

05/23/2014 Became a reviewer for the European Journal of Political Research.

05/20/2014 Became a reviewer for the Journal of European Social Policy.

05/14/2014 Application for ESPAnet conference 2014, in Oslo, Norway, accepted. We present a paper on the effect of migration on natives welfare attitudes.

04/30/2014 New paper on multilevel models for comparative longitudinal survey data (together with Malcolm Fairbrother) submitted to a journal.

04/22/2014 New paper on migrants' welfare attitudes submitted to a journal (together with Romana Careja).

04/02/2014 New paper on migrant integration and natives' welfare attitudes submitted to a journal (together with Dennis Spies).

02/04/2014 New publication (together with Katharina Höstermann) in MDA.

01/27/2014 Revise & Resubmit from Demography.

01/23/2014 I will give a lecture on specifying and interpreting complex regression models at the SOCLIFE/BIGSSS Spring Workshop 2014. This workshop is for doctorial students from Cologne and Bremen.

12/03/2013 I have been invited to chair a session at the BIGSSS International Conference 2014 "Social Stratification and Social Policy". My session will be titled "Methods for Linking Stratification and Social Policy". Find the CfP here!

11/18/2013 Revise & Resubmit from Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

10/22/2013 Session proposal for the VI European Congress of Methodology (Utrecht, 07/2014) accepted. I organize the session together with Malcolm Fairbrother. Our session is entitled "Multilevel Models and Comparative Longitudinal Survey Data: Advances, Prospects, and Challenges". Read the CfP here!

10/21/2013 Conditional acceptance from Socio-Economic Review.

10/07/2013 Application for EDAC/ESPAnet winter school accepted.

10/02/2013 Paper (together with Katharina Hörstermann) accepted for publication in Methoden, Daten, Analysen. The paper will be published in December, 2013.

07/19/2013 Paper on the Intrinsic Estimator (together with Ben Pelzer, Manfred te Grotenhuis and Rob Eisinga) submitted to a journal.

07/19/2013 Today, I received my PhD certificate (summa cum laude).

05/23/2013 Article "Do Parties "Playing the Race Card" Undermine Natives' Support for Redistribution? Evidence from Europe" published online (Comparative Political Studies), doi: 10.1177/0010414013488542.

05/17/2013 New (german speaking) paper on migration and natives' welfare attitudes submitted to a journal (together with Dennis Spies).

04/29/2013 Disputation has been successful (summa cum laude).

03/28/2013 Won the "Best PhD Paper Award" at the 9th International Multilevel Conference.

03/15/2013 I have been nominated for the "Best PhD Paper Award" at the 9th International Multilevel Conference.

02/28/2013 Two applications for paper presentations at the ESRA Conference 2013 accepted.

02/27/2013 Article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) about an online experiment I carried out together with Katharina Höstermann.

02/14/2013 Became a reviewer for the British Journal of Political Science.

01/28/2013 Update of mlt-package (version 1.4 beta) available at the SSC archive.

02/01/2013 PhD-thesis submitted.

01/25/2013 Textbook "Applied Panel Data Analysis for Economic and Social Surveys" published at Springer

01/24/2013 Paper "Do Parties "Playing the Race Card" Undermine Natives' Support for Redistribution?" accepted for publication in Comparative Political Studies.

01/18/2013 Revise & Resubmit from Methoden, Daten, Analysen.

01/01/2013 The mlt-package (version 1.3 beta) is now available at the SSC archive.

12/18/2012 Application for presentation at the 9th International Multilevel Conference, 2013 in Utrecht, accepted. Katja Möhring and I will present the mlt-package.

12/18/2012 Application for paper presentation at the 9th International Multilevel Conference, 2013 in Utrecht, accepted. I will present a paper on econmic inequality and demand for redistribution.

10/08/2012 New paper on economic inequality and demand for redistribution submitted to a journal.

09/13/2012 Revise & Resubmit: Paper on attitudes towards migration and the welfare state (together with Dennis Spies).

08/21/2012 "Applied Panel Data Analysis for Economic and Social Surveys" to be published online in December 2012. The printed version will be available from early 2013.

07/23/2012 Became a reviewer for the Journal of Social Policy.

07/23/2012 Version 1.1 beta of the mlt-package released.

07/12/2012 Paper on attitudes towards migration and the welfare state submitted (together with Dennis Spies).

05/29/2012 Paper "The Development of Public Demand for Redistribution. A Pseudo-panel model for Decomposing Within- and Between-effects" published in the GK SOCLIFE Working Paper Series. Download the paper here!

05/21/2012 Final revision of "Applied Panel Data Analysis for Economic and Social Surveys" send to the publisher.

04/11/2012 Application for the German Stata Users Group Meeting 2012 in Berlin accepted. We will present our multilevel tools ado package.

04/10/2012 Paper "Social Presense in Online Surveys" submitted to a Journal.

04/04/2012 Application for the 2012 RC19 Annual Conference in Oslo accepted.

03/26/2012 "The Development of Public Demand for Redistribution. A Pseudo-panel model for Decomposing Within- and Between-effects" accepted for publication in the GK SOCLIFE Working Paper Series

03/13/2012 Submitted the paper "The Development of Public Demand for Redistribution. A Pseudo-panel model for Decomposing Within- and Between-effects" to the GK SOCLIFE Working Paper Series.

03/13/2012 Version 1.0 beta of the multilevel tools (mlt) package for Stata released. Download the package here.

02/23/2012 Started to work on a "multilevel tools" ado-package for Stata, together with Katja Möhring.

02/13/2012 New homepage is online.

01/25/2012 I will become a visiting researcher at the Umeå University in August and September 2012.

01/12/2012 I am going to the Tilburg University as a visiting researcher in September and October 2012.

08/24/2011 Book manuscript "Applied Panel Data Analysis for Economic and Social Surveys" accepted for publication.

08/01/2011 Started as a full research associate at the Chair for Empirical Social and Economic Research.

07/01/2011 Manuscript of "Applied Panel Data Analysis for Social and Economic Surveys" finished and send to publishers

06/11/2011 Application for HumVIB Conference in Berlin accepted

04/29/2011 Became one of the organizers of the SOCLIFE Workshop on the Analysis of "Time in Context and Time as Context", September 12th to 14th, Cologne. Lecturers: Prof. Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Prof. Henning Lohmann.

03/08/2011 Employed as scientific consultant for two science shows in TV (ARD)

02/18/2011 Application for ESRA Conference 2011 in Lousanne accepted

01/18/2011 Paper "The Experience of Social Mobility and the Formation of Attitudes Toward Redistribution" published in the GK SOCLIFE Working Paper Series

10/20/2010 Paper "The Experience of Social Mobility and the Formation of Attitudes Toward Redistribution" submitted to the GK SOCLIFE Working Paper Series

08/19/2010 Presentation of first PhD-Paper at the "Joint NordWel Re-Assess International Summer School" in Odense, Denmark. Discussant: Prof. Joarkim Palme

08/02/2010 My hompage is online.

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